Spalletti: The responsibility falls on me, and our level was lower than the competitor
Saturday 29-06-2024

The coach of the Italian national team, Luciano Spalletti, appeared in press statements, after losing to Switzerland 2-0 in the 16-final of the European Nations Cup.

The coach said after being eliminated from the tournament. "We can explain in the end how we started the match. The tempo was very low the whole time, and if we did not keep the ball, and our quality was low, when you play at this pace, it will become difficult to talk about anything else."

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He added: “In the previous match, I said that perhaps I did not give them enough time to recover and change enough to liven up the team. I changed today to bring in new players, but the intensity of the match had the same response - we were less From the level of the opponent.”

He added: “It is difficult to talk about the playing system when you play at this level. If you have a defense consisting of three players, you may have speed Bigger on the wings, but when defending you have five players, which opens up more space for them to pass and you are pinned at the back more.”

He noted: “This experience These two exclusions still give us clues about the things we need to change. We need to move faster, because it makes a difference in the distances you have to travel.

And follow: “We could have done better, especially regarding what we expressed today against Spain. However, when you face teams with good passing, it becomes very difficult if you do not control the game.”

He continued: “Lack of rhythm is also one of the characteristics. We don't have many players with that quality and the ability to run so hard. Now everyone is using high pressing and aggressive moves to win the ball back immediately. "If you don't rotate the ball in two or three passes, you will have difficulty, as everyone is crowding around you. Now in the future, we need to look around and find some players with different characteristics who can do that."

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He said: “The responsibility always lies with the coach, and I make the decisions. Gravina, the president of the Italian Federation, has always behaved very well with me. On a professional level, we will talk and see what we have to say to each other. All coaches are responsible for the results we achieve on the field.”

He stressed: “I did not have much time to get to know the players compared to previous coaches who participated in the tournament. “Almost all of them played 20 matches or so to try some things out,” he concluded: “If you look at the match list, you will see that there is a very big difference between what I had Preparing for him and what other coaches have done. In the end, this is still my responsibility.”

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