Mahrez's car is involved in a traffic accident
Saturday 29-06-2024

The luxury car of Algerian Riyad Mahrez, the star of Ahly Jeddah, was involved in a major traffic accident in the English county of Chester.

Where Riyad Mahrez, accompanied by his family, is spending his current summer vacation in northern Western England.

The British newspaper “The Sun” reported that Riyad Mahrez’s car collided with a white truck, causing some scratches on the right side, and damage to the front wheel on the passenger side.< /p>

The newspaper indicated that Mahrez’s black car was worth 220 thousand pounds sterling, and it was not clear who was driving it and whether Riyad Mahrez was inside it at the time of the accident or not.

Riyad Mahrez appears in the circulated photos while contacting the competent authority in order to tow the car from the scene of the accident.

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