Juventus settles the deal for the Italian defender
Tuesday 25-06-2024
Juventus is close to finalizing the contract deal with Riccardo Calafiore, the centre-back that Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur are seeking to sign.

Cagliori played a decisive role in Bologna's defense. He helped the club secure qualification for the Champions League for the first time in its history last season.

His impressive performance with Italy did not go unnoticed, leading to the interest of many. From Premier League clubs.

While Newcastle and Tottenham are said to be in discussions to secure Calafiore's signature, Juventus appears to have made significant progress in negotiations.
Belgian journalist Sascha Tavoleri revealed that Juventus is close to reaching an agreement with Bologna regarding the defender.

The two clubs are currently negotiating a fee. The transfer, with figures between €40 million and €50 million being discussed.

Bologna appear to have resigned themselves to Calafiore's imminent departure and are already looking for potential replacements.

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