Al Hilal determines the future of the team's duo, and Neymar is the password
Tuesday 18-06-2024

Al Hilal Club officials have decided on the continuation of Brazilian Renan Lodi, the team's left back, during the next season, following rumors about his departure during the current summer transfer period.

According to Press sources say that Brazilian Renan Lodi will continue in the ranks of Al Hilal Club during the next season, due to the desire of Portuguese Jorge Jesus, the team’s coach, not to introduce any new element to the current structure of the Blue Club.

Renan Lodi joined Al Hilal, from Marseille, France, last January for 22 million euros on a 3-year contract.

The newspaper indicated that Jesus decided to postpone the future of Brazilian Michel Delgado, until the results of the qualifying programs for his compatriot Neymar da Silva and his position on participating with Al Hilal in the first months of the next season are known.

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